Club Captain

Poppy Craig Mc-Feely

After a dominant reign as press and pub officer, Poppy’s successful election campaign has won her the role of club captaincy. As an incoming fresher, she beat Bea Wood herself to win the Bea Wood Award for Incoming Fresher. This is even more incredible when we consider that she had no plans to continue running early in her first year. It’s the Harey’s Hareyness that tempted her back into the sport and she made huge contributions to the Blues and BUCS teams. In her second year, things got even better as she ran another Blues performance and picked up a shiny BUCS medal. In between was an injury to forget but there are high hopes that this year she can emulate her cross country performances on the track.

From her bio natsci degree, Poppy has picked up many useful skills for leading the club, including handling dirt, dissecting fish and copying and pasting. We have seen that the copying and pasting has paid off on the road to captaincy. Even her initials make her the third PC (PC3) in the club in recent times. Taking over from the old captain, Milly, she has copied her biking, gym work and even zoology modules. Milly may not be one of Poppy’s college parents but she has undoubtedly had more influence than Poppy’s actual parents when it comes to raising our new club captain. Taking over from Milly’s terrific reign, I have no doubts that she will make some minor modifications when copying Milly’s success to improve on this past season.