Chariots of Fire

The 2008 Chariots of Fire Relays were held in Cambridge on 21st September, and, as always, proved a very successful (and gloriously sunny) day for the Hare and Hounds, a perfect appetizer for Summer Training Camp. The race is a 6 x ~ 2 mile relay through the centre of Cambridge and the course incorporates King’s Parade and the Backs, and it requires not only speed but also the agility to dodge pedestrians, tourists, bollards and the other slower competitors!

picture of race

The men’s team consisted of Tim Pattison, Nathan Evans, Phil Scard, James Gill, Matt Grant and James Kelly. Tim got the team off to an excellent start, with his traditional aggressive front–running seeing him firmly established in the front pack. Nathan, a last minute replacement for the stranded Robin Brown (thanks to the amazing British public transport system which decided no trains would run that Sunday morning), produced a brilliant run given that he should by all rights have been tucking into his breakfast! Phil Scard, in his first lap of the day, brought the team through into third place, a position held by James Gill. Matt moved through into second, though the leaders Glassworks Gym (once again stocked with a talented core of St Mary’s athletes) were comfortably clear at the front. James Kelly reversed some indifferent early–season form to eat into the margin, and the team’s 2nd place finish (clocking a minute and a half faster than in 2007) was good reward for an excellent race.

Emma Figures got the ladies’ team off to a good start, then handed over to our fresh American import Emily Alden, recruited by email by Tim and Polly. Emily was followed by Lauren Barklie then Anna Anderson. The four ladies had carved through the field to place CUH&H in a solid 2nd place, with Episys Team Vogel (aka. Cambridge and Coleridge AC — the 2007 winners) not too far ahead. Polly Keen managed to overhaul Episys with a very quick run, and Harriet Owles anchored the CUH&H girls home as winners.

picture of race

Several other Hare and Hounds ran for various college and department teams as well, Aidan Brown, Helen Mort, Joan Lasenby, Phil Scard (again) and Jamie Brunning to name but a few.

Following the prize presentation (the photo of which has since seen the (very photogenic! — JK’s editorial) ladies’ team in the Ronhill advert in Athletics Weekly every week!), several of us set off to reinforce the day’s success with some good running at training camp in Land’s End.

Results (6 x 2.7 km)


1 The Glassworks A 48:25

2 Cambridge University H&H 51:22

3 Army Training Regiment Bassingbourn A 55:02


1 Cambridge University H&H 62:32

2 Episys Team Vogel 63:06

3 Abbeycroft Warriors 74:49